Boar | Hog
Boar taxidermy involves carefully skinning and cleaning the boar’s body, preserving its hide and skull, and then reassembling the parts with a lifelike pose and expression to create a realistic mount for display.

Deer taxidermy is special in that the antlers, which are unique to each individual deer involves a variety of poses and settings to showcase the beauty and grace of the animal in its natural environment.

Duck taxidermy requires capturing the dynamic and graceful flight position of the bird. Attention to detail is a must in the positioning of the wings, tail, and body, to create a realistic feather texture and coloration.

Bird taxidermy requires a high level of precision and attention to detail to create a lifelike representation of the bird, including its unique feather patterns, coloration, and body shape.

My fish taxidermy is unique because it involves replicas only. My projects are painted in layers to accurately represent the fish’s natural coloration and markings.
Oklahoma Taxidermy
My Story…
Hi, I’m Amy McTague, the proud owner and artist behind PrimeTime Taxidermy. Although I spent most of my life working in the dental field with a BS in dental hygiene and over 20 years of experience, I took a leap of faith in 2021 and followed my passion for the great outdoors and my creative side. After completing a taxidermy course, I opened my own shop and haven’t looked back since. I’ve been blessed with a steady stream of customers and the chance to share my story, inspiring others to chase their dreams too.
When I’m not crafting lifelike taxidermy pieces, I’m a loving wife, mom, grandma (or “Omi” as they call me), and a devoted fan of my four sons’ sporting events. I adore spending time with my family, fishing, hunting, cooking, and encouraging others to take that bold step towards their dreams. So, welcome to PrimeTime Taxidermy, where my passion for nature and art come together to create something truly extraordinary.